Sacramento Martial Arts

At Sacramento Kenpo Karate, we teach American Kenpo karate. We offer a warm and friendly atmosphere and we gladly take in kenpo orphans from all kenpo lineages. We are a quirky conglomeration of kenpoists. Please call or drop by.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sacramento Martial Arts

Not necessarily OUR version, just A version.
4. ESCAPE FROM DARKNESS (Left Rear Flank - Right Step Through Punch)
  • 1. Your opponent approaches from 7:30, and delivers a right step through punch toward your head. Hop toward 1:30 onto your right foot into a transitory right one-legged stance, as you immediately counter your opponent's punch with a left thrusting knife-edge kick to the outside of his right knee. Your hands are positionally checking (to your left) in the Neutral Zone. (This should stop your opponent's forward momentum, as well as force him to bend forward.)
  • 2. Plant your left foot toward 7:30 (gauging the leg to obtain proper distance) and immediately spin clock-wise as you deliver a right spinning stiff-leg sweep to the back of your opponent's right knee. (This should cause his right knee to buckle to the ground).
  • 3. Pivot your upper body clockwise and plant your right foot forward into a right neutral bow (facing 7:30). Immediately have your left foot step forward (toward 7:30) into a left neutral bow as (1) your right hand gravitationally checks your opponent's right shoulder, (2) your left knee braces against his back, and (3) you deliver a left vertical punch to the right side of your opponent's jaw. The force of your punch should carry your fist through, and in front of his face.
  • 4. With your left knee checking your opponent's back, reverse the motion of your left hand and execute a left outward claw across the face of your opponent. During the same flow of motion, deliver a right inward downward diagonal hammerfist strike to the left side of your opponent's jaw. This strike should conclude with your right forearm dropping, as well as to the back of, your opponent's right shoulder to keep him in check.
  • 5. Have your right foot slide clockwise and back toward 4:30 into a left neutral bow (facing 10:30). With this action have your right hand (which is still t the left of your opponent's face) grab under your opponent's jaw. As you pull with your right hand, execute a left heel palm strike to your opponent's right mastoid (as in Leap of Death). The simultaneous pull and strike is for the purpose of snapping your opponent's neck.
  • 6. Left front crossover, and cover out toward 4:30.
  • 7. With your opponent still on his knees execute a right rear crossover followed by a left (counterclockwise) hooking heel kick to your opponent's face. (Your opponent should fall to the ground.)
  • 8. From the point of contact of your kick, again execute a left front crossover, and cover out twice in the direction of 4:30.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kenpo Karate - Opposite and Reverse

OPPOSITE AND REVERSE MOTION AND RETURNING MOTION:  Opposite Motion - The other side or mirror image of whatever motion was executed.  Reverse Motion - Motion returning on the same path of an initiated move.  Returning Motion – The weapon returns to the same point of origin, but by a different path than originally followed.   Opposite Motion - The other side or mirror image of whatever motion was executed.

Reverse Motion - Motion returning on the same path of an initiated move.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Kenpo Karate


When circular moves end, linear begin; when linear moves end, circular moves occur again.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Kenpo Karate - Definitions


THREE PHASE CONCEPT:  Kenpo techniques are taught with a three phase formula where the student is expected to learn the technique as written, then go on to experiment with the possibilities. The Three Phases are, in order, the following:
·  Ideal Phase - In the Ideal Phase the student learns the technique "by the book". This means the attack is specified, the defense is applied and the attackers reaction is known.
·  What-If Phase - In the What-If Phase the student(s) experiment with different possible scenarios for the attack and attackers reactions.  Thoroughly analyze probable variations to the model technique.
·  Formulation Phase - With the Formulation Phase the student tears apart the technique, explores its principles and develops alternate, spontaneous, reactions all with the aid the equation formula. Apply variable solutions to a free and changing environment.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Kenpo Karate - Economy of Motion


ECONOMY OF MOTION & POINT OF ORIGIN:  Execution of strike / block directly from where it is at time of attack.  Choosing best available weapon for best available angle, to ensure reaching best available target in least amount of time, while still obtaining desired result:  Avoid WASTED MOTION.